"Gorman Pompili delivers more than expert writing and PR professionals. They bring a deep understanding of the industry, new ideas, and the ability to expand our reach with those who matter most. They are a critical part of our marketing success."
Ben Mund, Marketing Director – Koma Precision, Inc.

We’re so in to manufacturing we got ISO certified!

Always in touch and mobile with clients and social channels

Beyond editorial, we can assist with videos, narrations, podcasts, and memorable events planning
About Us
Communications Excellence
Gorman Pompili Communications has more than 30 years of experience providing marketing communications services to business-to-business clients. The agency is an evolution of Lynn Gorman Communications, a well-known and well-respected firm in the manufacturing sector. With those deep roots, we can point to concentrated expertise in writing and promoting various software programs used in industry – CAD/CAM, Quality, ERP, Simulation, Data Monitoring, and FMS; machine tools of all types; advanced automation technologies; precision measuring systems; testing and instrumentation; equipment controllers; and training and certifications.
"What I like most about Gorman Pompili is the careful balance maintained between the interests of its clients and those of the editor. The staff there recognizes that editors have a primary obligation to serve their readers with honest, useful and insightful coverage of developments in technology. By helping the editor develop this content, they know their clients also benefit the most."
Mark Albert – Editor Emeritus, Modern Machine Shop
Case Study Articles
"This agency is especially effective finding leads for plant visits with a client's customer to let real world experience with new technology "speak for itself." These leads are thoughtfully screened to be sure the editor finds an angle that discloses the value of innovation over and above mere product publicity in the resulting editorial piece."
Mark Albert – Editor Emeritus, Modern Machine Shop
Feature ‘Round Up’
Our founder Lynn likes to say we make industry Rock Stars out of our clients and one of the best ways to do that is with a by-lined column by the president, CEO, product owner, or whatever title makes sense for the topic and type of column. These are rather short pithy pieces that delve into a technology advancement, a new product feature that may not be well understood, a how-to, an opinion, a call to action, a view from the C-suite – the ideas are endless for these. We make the process so easy, too. We present the opportunity, you consider a suitable topic, tell us all about it, we draft the article, and voila! A star in the making!
Here are some nice examples of tech briefs and executive viewpoints:
Seven-Axis Cobot
Machine Tool Maintenance - Avoid the Tow Truck
Precision Machining is a Team Sport
Scanning and Data Collection Boost Weld QA
A Solution to Modernizing Apprenticeships
Meghan West's Viewpoints Column
Press Releases
"Gorman Pompili can be relied on to provide new product releases, client company news and trade show display items that are straightforward and factual without the clutter of self-serving hype or blather."
Mark Albert – Editor Emeritus, Modern Machine Shop
Design & Production
Webinars, Conference Presentations, Tutorials
"Gorman Pompili delivers just what we need in a world of rapidly-changing marketing communications. Sharp skills, fresh ideas, drama-free interaction, and a constant drive to make sure our message gets exactly where it needs to go. Outstanding business-to-business marketing communications requires sharp skills, quick learning, deep integrity, and a keen eye for what delivers value to clients like us. For Mastercam, Gorman Pompili isn’t just an agency – they’re a trusted arm of our marketing team."
Ben Mund, Marketing Director – Koma Precision, Inc.
"Lynn Gorman Communications, now Gorman Pompili Communications, has provided outstanding support to the manufacturing business providing creativity, common sense, with an innate ability to herd the vast diverse group of individuals into one common direction. In recognition of consistent, on time, in budget and when needed, persuasive corrective direction."
Scott Walker, Chairman – Mitsui Seiki USA, Inc.
Strategy Development, Coordination, & Management
First and foremost, we are excellent listeners.
At the beginning of any individual project, campaign, or annual marketing communications plan, we listen to your needs and objectives. We’ll propose recommendations for an optimal strategy within your budget. Then we get to work executing, coordinating, and managing the plan! We’re big on monitoring results and providing metrics, providing you the data for making decisions on the fly or when planning for future efforts.